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RRP $188

‘The Razorblade Act’, was invented by William A. Buerger (1854 - 1931). He performed the act for most his life and made his name most known for this act. He only chose to publish and release the original secret in 1930, one year prior to his death at the age of 77yrs old.

In 1930, George Davenport became the first person to perform the Razorblade Act in the UK, he later went on to also market his version of The Razorblade Act via Davenports Magic.

It has also been noted that some of the other early performers who performed the Razorblade Act Include Levant, Dariel Fritzkee, John Booth, George Goebel & Jasper Maskelyne.

Since these early years of what became such a hugely popular performance piece many other well-known performers worldwide have created and performed their own versions such as: - Bizzaro, Dan Harlan, Dann Sperry, Michael Paul, Scott Alexander, TC Tahoe, Thomas Medina, Varga Norbi, Will Stelfox. Plus, many more.

Kevin Cunliffe has been performing a regurgitation of razorblade act of which he has perfected and honed over three decades. Which has finally led to SLASHER.

Within the creation and development of SLASHER Kevin has addressed the issues found within ALL previous methods of which have existed for approximately 150 years and created a FULL SPOKEN show piece that requires ZERO PREPERATION, and NO BACKING MUSIC REQUIRED.

Yes, you read that correct you require zero set-up, & for the first time within the history of ‘The Razorblade Act’ your able to speak throughout the performance without any risk of harm or slurring of words. NOTHING is hidden within your mouth prior, during or after the performance.

Read that again… Yes, imagine doing ‘The Famous Razorblade Act’ where blades are seen to be swallowed yet NO BLADES go into your mouth, yet are clearly seen to be removed from your mouth…

Now to make The Razorblade Act even more contemporary and up to date. Which audience members are instantly able to identify the props being used along with the dangers, instead of using the traditional double edge shaving razor style blades of which are becoming increasingly obsolete, ‘SLASHER’ uses #23 Scalpel blades.

This is also justified within the script along with all props used including the thread. In this case dental floss, making the thread super visual and also stronger than traditional threads. All of which is included within the product purchase.

Within the creation of SLASHER, Kevin wished for an ultra-safe version that’s both visual, equally powerful and all props involved justified within the scripted routine.
He also wanted to create the act so that it’s both easy to transport (fit in a pocket easily), suitable for close-up and also stage performances. He has achieved exactly that.

The performer begins by explaining how they love to read about urban legends & Bizarre tales. Then proceeds to recall several of their favourite tales while also showing some of the artefacts and photos from within these tales.

The first of these tales is said to have taken place in the summer of 1994, when an inmate of a West Virginia (USA) high security facility (Prison) used several containers of dental floss to make a daring escape.

Another of these tales involves children finding sharp objects in their Halloween candy/sweets. Many of you may have heard about this. You may have even heard that some hospitals open up their X-rays to scan candy/sweets bags in the hope of avoiding any potential danger.

The third and final tale involves that of an elderly couple, A Nurse and her Unfortunate partner who had been together for many years. Of which this tale has a seemingly gruesome twist.

Whilst reciting these tales the performer not only shows and illustrates each artefact but utilizes them to recreate an unforgettable magical moment of true mystery.

• Scalpel & Blades.
• Custom built thread-container & thread.
• Polycarbonate glass.
• Custom built gimmicks.
• Full Script.
• Indepth 90 minute Video tutorial.
• Custom built carry case.
• Custom printable artwork files for both stage and close-up.