Within each pack you will receive over 8 foot of UN-STRIPPED, PRO INVISIBLE THREAD. Giving Hundreds of individual threads per pack.
Over 15 Years ago Kevin set about in sourcing the best INVISIBLE THREAD available comparing After many years and after many (possibly hundreds) of pounds spent on various levitation gimmicks and effects, yet it always comes down to the same old principle/debate which has the best quality invisible thread.
There was to be three simple tests...
VISIBILITY- how is the thread compared to all others against both solid white background and broken backgrounds.
STRENGTH- most threads are only used to move small objects bill, cig etc but what could the thread take if needed.
REFLECTIVITY- the hardest test for good thread to pass, is how well does it fair under heavy spotlights and natural sunlight as most give a slight shine almost like a human hair.
In almost all these tests THE PRO INVISIBLE THREAD stood above all other brands available.
This is the same THREAD that Kevin himself uses within all his performances.
BONUS: Along with each purchase of the PRO INVISIBLE THREAD, you will also receive access to THE BOOK OF INVISIBLE THREAD KNOWLEDGE.
A book detailing many aspects of the use of invisible thread.
This book contains more than two decades of knowledge tips and advice, that have all come from working with Invisible Thread professionally everyday.
These tips include:
•How to store your thread
•How to prepare your thread
•How to camouflage and color thread
•How to tie thread and how to tie loops
•Many different ways to attach thread known as Hook-ups
Plus many different routines and effects using thread.